Lower back (lumbar) pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints and is likely to affect most of us at some point. Your lower back is made of vertebrae bones, intervertebral discs, muscles, ligaments and nerves. Your lower back’s role is to:
-provide stability for the spine above, and legs below
-weight bearing
-absorbing forces as we move
-assist with daily mobility
Common Symptoms of Lower back (Lumbar) Pain
-local or widespread pain
-aching or sharp pain
-can be worse with movement or at rest
-limited ability to move certain ways
-disturbed sleep
Top Common Causes of Lower back (lumbar) Pain
-poor posture and ergonomics at work
-awkward day to day movements
-exercise routines and movement mechanics
-other pre-existing injuries such as hip and knee issues
-rehabilitation after surgery
-referred pain from other parts of the body such as bowel, uterus or ovaries
How Can We Help
Your Osteopath will:
Examine by
-asking you various questions about your pain
-looking at your posture and watch how your lower back and other areas of the body move
-hands on palpation to feel the lower back bones, joints, muscles and other relevant areas
-other examinations such as testing your lower limb nerves, feeling your abdomen, leg length, and scoliosis assessment may be needed
-educate you on what is causing your pain, why it occurred and how to fix and manage it.
Treatment can include
–hands on manual therapy to loosen tight muscles and move restricted joints
-dry needling
-posture and daily movement advice
-exercise rehabilitation to strengthen muscles and improve stability and mobility of you lower back
Did you know… Osteopaths can also refer you for medical imaging including xrays, ultrasounds and MRIs if needed?
All About Movement Osteopaths will refer you to your GP if they feel another opinion or investigations are needed. We will also refer to other health professionals, for other forms of treatment so you are getting the best all round care.